A black and white stylised image of a miserable looking girl

BLOC Productions, with BAOS, BMCC, BODS and WOS
are now inviting applications to audition for


the UK Amateur Première of


Gold stylised typography reading "Les Misérables"


In celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the legendary musical

Bristol Hippodrome
13th – 16th August 2025

BLOC Productions is thrilled to have been invited by Cameron Mackintosh and Music Theatre International (MTI) to be one of only 11 lead clubs across the UK to be granted a one-off amateur licence to stage Les Misérables, as part of the iconic show’s 40th Anniversary celebrations in 2025. This exciting, unique and challenging opportunity comes as part of a nationwide, collaborative community theatre project: Let The People Sing! We are delighted to be producing Les Misérables in association with four other local clubs: BAOS (Bristol Amateur Operatic Society), BMCC (Bristol Musical Comedy Club), BODS (Bath Operatic & Dramatic Society) and WOS (Weston Operatic Society).

There will be similar collaborative amateur performances in 10 other cities across the UK between March and August 2025. Each production will be different as a key requirement of the licence is to not replicate the West End production. We will be presenting Les Misérables at the Bristol Hippodrome, from Wednesday August 13th to Saturday August 16th 2025, with matinee and evening performances on each day, so eight performances in all.

Please note that as a condition of the licence we are required to hold open auditions – i.e. widely advertised in the community and not restricted to members of BLOC Productions or any other Clubs. Talented amateur performers with no previous experience are equally invited to apply. The aim is truly to let the people sing! Because of this requirement, membership of BLOC Productions or any of the other collaborating clubs does not guarantee participation in the show.

We intend to double-cast the production, enabling us to give this wonderful opportunity to as many people as possible. There will therefore be two amateur casts/companies formed for the Bristol production (referenced as ‘Victor’ and ‘Hugo’ casts) and each cast will include (subject to change during the audition and casting process):

  • 9 Principal roles (see Adult Principal Roles)
  • Between 30 and 35 in the Ensemble, playing various roles
  • 6 Children’s roles (including Gavroche, Young Cosette & Young Éponine—see Child Auditions
  • Between 45 and 60 Static Chorus places (on stage, but unseen until the final scene).

Audition applications will be open 1st–31st August 2024, and all of the information you need to apply can be found on this site.

In addition to finding our fabulous cast, we are looking for passionate and dedicated people to join our production team. Please check out the Production Team page for more details.