Young Cosette


Young Cosette is Fantine’s daughter. At three years old, Fantine hands Cosette over to the care of the Thénardiers as Fantine believed them to be a loving and caring family. In fact, Cosette is badly treated by them as she is underfed, beaten by Madame Thénardier, and bullied by the Thénardier’s two daughters, Éponine and Azelma. Young Cosette is small and looks pathetic, but her spirit is hopeful and she still can dream of a better life. She sings the solo ‘Castle on a Cloud’. Young Cosette needs to be physically small especially against Jean Valjean and the Thénardiers. She needs to capture the hearts of the audience and they need to feel her plight and be happy for her when she is rescued by Jean Valjean.

Playing Age

A young 7


African-American, Black-African, Black-Caribbean, Black-Other Areas, Eastern European, Mediterranean, Scandinavian, White, Asian, Chinese, East Asian, Filipino/Malay/Thai, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Pakistani, Hispanic, Latin American, Maori, Middle Eastern, Mixed Race, Native American

Playing Gender



Sweet natural voice. Able to hold a tune with confidence when singing solo.

Audition Material

Young Cosette

There is a Castle on a Cloud Excerpt