Audition Process

  • Please apply by completing and submitting the form linked on the audition info page. Please be sure to choose the correct form.
  • As part of the form you will be required to upload two photos. As many auditionees will not be known to audition panel members, these photos will be necessary to accurately identify individuals in consequent discussions.
    • One recent head and shoulders photo.
    • One full-length photo.
  • The closing date for applications is midnight on Saturday 31st August 2024.
  • Adults: We will acknowledge your application after the closing date. A few weeks later you will be sent a link to book a slot at a specific venue, date and time for the Round One auditions on November 9th or 10th.
  • Children: We will acknowledge your application after the closing date. Further information about the auditions in January will be communicated separately at a later date.
  • Please note that any members of the lead or collaborating Clubs or the project Management Team who choose to audition will not have any part in the audition or casting process.