Audition Requirements

Please note the following requirements carefully:

  • Adults can apply for any combination of Principal, Ensemble and Static Chorus parts.
  • In order to be considered for an Adult part in the show (Principal, Ensemble or Static Chorus) you must have turned 17 by August 31st 2025. Please do not apply otherwise. For the Children’s parts we are only looking for children with playing ages between 7 and 11.
  • The character notes with age and voice requirements are supplied to us by the rights holders and are designed to ensure that those auditioning are suitably qualified both to represent the specific characters in the story accurately and to sing what is a challenging score. We are required to follow this guidance strictly in the casting process.
  • A particular condition of the licence is that our casting of the show is age appropriate. Please therefore be realistic in judging the age range you can play on stage (‘playing age’). This particularly applies to the younger female roles and to Children (we are looking for playing ages 7–11 at the time of the show). The playing ages are clearly defined in the Character notes on the Principal roles pages.
  • The early rounds of auditions will focus on voice, so again please note the requirement that all men should be able to sing to at least G, women must be able to sing to D and sopranos ideally to top C.
  • Please note the strong hint to perform the audition pieces, not just to sing them!
  • As is typical for amateur productions, there will be a performance fee. For this show it will be £200 (Cast) and £150 (Static Chorus and Children), payable either as a lump sum or in monthly instalments, but we don’t want this to be a barrier to anyone accepting a part in the show. If you are offered a part, you will have the opportunity to speak to somebody in confidence if paying the performance fee is a concern.
  • We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and can cater for a wide variety of individual needs. However, the physical constrains of the Hippodrome theatre mean that those with accessibility needs may not be able to be accommodated safely (please ask for clarification if this applies).
  • As the purpose and spirit of this project is to celebrate amateur musical theatre across the UK, and we are only licenced to cast amateur performers, you will be asked to confirm that you have not been engaged in a professional musical theatre production since January 2023.